How OHRA Can Help You

  • Are you behind on rent or utilities?
  • Are you unhoused?
  • Have you lost your job?
  • Are you experiencing medical or mental health struggles?
  • Do you need help getting government benefits?

OHRA is here to help. Our programs are available to anyone in the community – housed or unhoused. OHRA’s resource navigators can expertly guide you in getting essential services or support.  And they will walk beside you every step on your road from crisis to stability.

New Updates

New location for the Laundry Shower Trailer:
The OHRA Center, 2350 Ashland St., Ashland, OR 97520
First come, first serve. Space is limited. 
SHOWERS: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-2pm
LAUNDRY: Each person who showers can do one small load.

OHRA offers three programs:

the OHRA Resource Center, the OHRA Shelter and the OHRA Shower Trailer.

The OHRA Resource Center

If you need help paying utilities or rent to avoid eviction, or identification to apply for benefits or a place to receive mail – or other related essential services – visit the Resource Center.

The Center is co-located with The OHRA Shelter, 2350 Ashland St. The nearest bus stop is in the Bi-Mart parking lot.

The OHRA Resource Center

Navigators Can Help With Many Things Such As:

Bus passes

Computer access

Goodwill vouchers

Job Search Assistance

Phone and mail services

Rental Assistance

Pet food

Utility Assistance

Navigators Refer to/Help with Application to:


Affordable housing

Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers

Sober living housing

Transitional housing

Permanent supportive housing

Veterans affairs housing

Assisted Living

Navigators Refer to/Help with Application to:

Benefits, services, and legal documents:

Credit counseling

Legal advocacy

Substance use disorder treatment

Birth certificates

Health insurance

Mental health services

Oregon IDs and driver licenses

Social Security Disability Insurance

SNAP food benefits

Veterans Affairs Benefits

The OHRA Shelter

If you are unhoused, you can apply to enter the OHRA Shelter. To start the process, make an appointment with a resource navigator. Admission to the Shelter is based on vulnerability, meaning those most in need receive priority. The Shelter is low barrier, which means completion of an addiction recovery program or background check are not required for admittance. Because it is low barrier, residents must be 18+. If you have people under 18 in your household and need shelter, please make an appointment with us, so we can help review other available shelter options.

The Shelter is open 365 days a year. Each guest has their own private room and bathroom, and some meals are provided. Guests can stay at The OHRA Shelter for a maximum of six months. While staying at the OHRA Shelter you will work closely with a resource navigator to help you in making your housing plan.

The OHRA Shelter

The OHRA Shower Trailer

For a hot shower, visit us at The OHRA Shower Trailer, currently located at The OHRA Center in Ashland at 2350 Ashland St. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  It operates on a first-come, first-served basis. The showers are cleaned professionally between each guest’s use to ensure safety.  Resource navigators are present and can talk to you about any other needs, including laundry services. Currently, guests having a shower can do one small load of laundry onsite. 

The OHRA Shower Trailer

We know that sometimes situations can become unmanageable quickly. Not knowing where to turn is scary. That is why OHRA is here. Call or visit:

The OHRA Resource Center is open 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. weekdays at 2350 Ashland Street, Ashland.

To make an appointment call 541-631-2235.