Make a Difference
When you make a gift to OHRA, you are helping change someone’s life because OHRA is dedicated to helping people in housing/financial or other crises find a path to stability. When you donate, you can feel good knowing that your gift not only supports individuals, but also makes your community a better place to live. You can be part of something bigger — The OHRA Center. Gifts large and small have the power to keep this vital community resource thriving for any neighbor in need. Together we can do this.

Southern Oregon Homelessness Summit: Uniting to Address Housing Insecurity
Are you concerned about the escalating crisis of homelessness in Jackson County and beyond? Would you like to better understand the root causes...
OHRA’s Programs
OHRA’s mission is to help low-income people build better lives. By offering hope and access to social services, we encourage those in need on the path to self-sufficiency.
Our approach is different. Skilled resource navigators work with anyone in need—whether housed or unhoused without enrollment in any program. They help guests navigate the maze of social services, get help from partner agencies, and achieve their goals. Whether someone walks in the door of our Resource Center, is a guest at our year-round Shelter, or uses the Shower Trailer, a resource navigator is there.
At the Resource Center, OHRA’s navigators help individuals and families avoid eviction, find a job, apply for benefits, access physical and mental health services, and more.
OHRA’s Shelter offers a safe place to sleep and help getting on the path to self-sufficiency. The OHRA shelter is a low-barrier, non-congregate, fully-staffed shelter open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
OHRA’s Shower Trailer fills an essential need for those living without shelter.

In 2023…
Families newly housed
Families that had their housing protected
Visits to the OHRA Center
People Sheltered through the OHRA Center Emergency Shelter
Showers at the Laundry Shower Trailer
How your donation could help a person in need:

Help with rent so someone doesn’t fall into homelessness

Help with utility bills to keep heat and lights on in the winter

Help someone get an Oregon ID Card –
the first step to employment

Help someone who is stranded travel home to family

Help cover the cost of someone’s stay at The OHRA Center Shelter

Our Mission
OHRA helps low income people build better lives. By offering hope and access to social service resources, we encourage those in need on the path to self sufficiency.

Our Vision
By helping people move from crisis to stability, OHRA builds more capable individuals, stronger families and a better community.
Our Statement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our Approach
What makes OHRA so effective is our resource navigation and network of partners
Guest Stories
Read about how some of OHRA’s guests
have changed their lives.