Volunteers needed on Sat 10/22

Please join us on Saturday October 22nd from 10 am to 1 pm to help OHRA be wildfire smart!

A lot has changed in our community over the last few years. Wildfires are now a part of our lives and it’s more important than ever to do what we can to protect ourselves, our neighborhoods, and our community.

OHRA has also undergone a transformation– In 2021 with Project Turnkey funding through the State of Oregon, we were able to purchase the former Super 8 motel. Renovations continue at this property, now The OHRA Center. The OHRA Center is home to our emergency shelter as well as the OHRA Resource Center. Since the shelter opened in April of 2021, more than 200 guests have stayed at the shelter and of those folks, more than 50 are now permanently housed. 

OHRA’s incredible programs and services have always been possible thanks to the hard work and generosity of volunteers like you. It was so hard to say “goodbye for now” to our volunteers during the pandemic, but we knew it was the right thing to do to keep everyone safe. Now that we are able, we want to welcome back all our volunteers to be part of The OHRA Center. We wouldn’t be here without you.

On October 22nd, from 10 am – 1 pm, we invite you to come help us complete some projects from our recent Firewise assessment. We will be clearing out flammable shrubs from near the building as well as clearing any brush that leads up to the building and creating a safe perimeter. 

We are so incredible grateful for the building we have now and want to be good stewards of the property. We also take seriously the safety of our guests, their pets, our staff, and our neighbors in the area. We hope you can join us for this important project. 

Questions? Email volunteer@helpingashland.org

“Overall, the chance to be a part of something bigger than myself was an experience that I would cherish and remember forever. I will reflect on my days at the OHRA when I need to remember what it means to help others and do something for the community.”

-former OHRA volunteer

Ashland Fire & Rescue will be joining us at the event, you will be able to sign up for your own property fire risk assessment at the event!

Written by OHRA



October 18, 2022

CONSTRUCTION CLOSURE: The Resource Center will be closed Wednesday March 12, 2025 due to power being off for electrical upgrades.